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Lowongan Kerja Untuk Banyak Posisi PT. Rigid Maju Bersama November 2016

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Lowongan Kerja Terbaru November 2016

Pada kesempatan kali ini kabar lowongan kerja datang dari PT. Rigid Maju Bersama, namun sebelum menuju point utama ada baiknya anda menyimak profil PT. Rigid Maju Bersama terlebih dahulu sebagai referensi anda tentang gambaran dari perusahaan ini.

PT. Rigid Maju Bersama -  Merupakan perusahaan manufaktur pertama di wilayah Jawa Timur dibidang produksi PVC Film. Kami memproduksi berbagai macam produk unggulan dengan nama Brand Rigid PVC Film dan telah digunakan untuk memenuhi beragam kebutuhan banyak industri, seperti makanan dan minuman, farmasi, dll. Produk buatan kami memberikan kinerja yang sangat baik dan memiliki daya tahan yang tak tertandingi serta memberikan efektivitas biaya bagi perusahaan anda.

PT. Rigid Maju Bersama berkantor pusat di Ngoro-Mojokerto, Jawa Timur dan saat ini kami mengajak anda bergabung dengan kami sebagai kandidat potensial untuk mengisi beberapa posisi jabatan yang persyaratan serta kualifikasi akan kami jelaskan sebagai berikut:
Lowongan Kerja PT. Rigid Maju Bersama November 2016

Deskripsi Lowongan Kerja PT. Rigid Maju Bersama November 2016

Posisi Jabatan yang ditawarkan PT. Rigid Maju Bersama

Persyaratan dan Kualifikasi
  1. Min. Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science / Computer Systems from reputable university;
  2. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply, but preferably having at least 1 (one) year working experience in the related field. 
  3. Must have knowledge of managing and supporting of hardware, software, server, desktop, shared infrastructure, voice and data networks and telephones;
  4. Sound knowledge of IT Skills (such as System update processes and tools, Operating Systems of Computer, Backup and recovery techniques, Anti-virus, Microsoft office applications, Active Directory, LAN and WAN networks, Routing MikroTik, Mail Server, etc);
  5. Must have knowledge of supporting analyst and development of information system application (ERP); 
  6. Sound knowledge of ISO 9001 would be a plus point;
  7. Willing to work in Ngoro Industrial Park Factory (MOJOKERTO).

Persyaratan dan Kualifikasi
  1. Min. Diploma in ELECTRICAL Engineering, AUTOMATION Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or equivalent;
  2. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply;
  3. Must have knowledge of PLC, Influx Electrical AC/DC;
  4. Excellent project management with analytical, problem-solving, decision-making skills;
  5. MUST have knowledge of Lean Manufacturing and process improvement concepts in team-oriented environment, such as Root Cause Analysis, SPC, 7-Quality Tools, and other trouble-shooting, problem-solving/continuous improvement tools;
  6. Sound knowledge of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and Risk Management would be a plus point;
  7. Willing to deal with emergency and unplanned problems and repairs;
  8. Willing to work in Ngoro Industrial Park Factory (MOJOKERTO).

Persyaratan dan Kualifikasi
  1. Min. Diploma from Engineering Majors;
  2. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply;
  3. Must have knowledge of Lean Manufacturing and process improvement concepts in team-oriented environment, such as Root Cause Analysis, SPC, 7-Quality Tools, and other analytical problem-solving/continuous improvement tools;
  4. Excellent project management with analytical, problem-solving, decision-making skills;
  5. MUST have knowledge of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001;
  6. Willing to work in shifts;
  7. Willing to work in Ngoro Industrial Park Factory (MOJOKERTO).

Persyaratan dan Kualifikasi
  1. Min. Bachelor’s Degree in INDUSTRIAL Engineering from reputable university; 
  2. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply;
  3. Strong interpersonal skills, highly organized, self-motivated and detail-oriented;
  4. Excellent project management with strong analytical, problem-solving and communication skills;
  5. Advanced skill in Ms. Excel Spreadsheet is a MUST;
  6. MUST have knowledge of Lean Manufacturing and process improvement concepts in team-oriented environment, such as Root Cause Analysis, SPC, 7-Quality Tools, and other trouble-shooting, problem-solving/continuous improvement tools;
  7. Sound knowledge of Project Management Tools (such as CPM, Gantt Chart, etc.) and Project Management Software (such as Ms. Project, etc.) would be an asset;
  8. Sound knowledge of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and Risk Management would be a plus point;
  9. Willing to work in Ngoro Industrial Park Factory (MOJOKERTO).

Persyaratan dan Kualifikasi
  1. Min. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Manufacture Engineering, SAFETY Engineering, or equivalent from reputable university;
  2. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply;
  3. Strong leadership, communication and interpersonal skills, highly organized, self-motivated and detail-oriented;
  4. Advanced skill in Ms. Excel Spreadsheet is a MUST;
  5. MUST have knowledge of Lean Manufacturing and process improvement concepts in team-oriented environment, such as Root Cause Analysis, SPC, 7-Quality Tools, and other trouble-shooting, problem-solving/continuous improvement tools;
  6. Sound knowledge of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and Risk Management would be a plus point;
  7. Sound knowledge in 5S, Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Control, Environmental Aspect Impact, Fire Safety Equipment & System, PPE, etc would be an advantages;
  8. Willing to work in Ngoro Industrial Park Factory (MOJOKERTO).

Persyaratan dan Kualifikasi
  1. Min. High School Diploma from engineering majors (ex. Mechanical or Electrical)
  2. Demonstrate initiative, problem solving skills and attention to detail with a proven focus on quality outcomes;
  3. Must have good interpersonal skills and be able to work in a team environment;
  4. Willing and able to work a rotating, 8 – 10 hour shift;
  5. Willing and able to work in a hot, humid, and noisy industrial environment;
  6. Willing and able to maintain strict adherence to safety rules and regulations, including wearing safety equipment;
  7. Strong desire to learn new things;
  8. Willing to work in Ngoro Industrial Park Factory (MOJOKERTO). 

Persyaratan dan Kualifikasi
  1. Min. Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources Management (HRM)/ LAW from reputable university; 
  2. Must have at least 1 (one) year experience in the related field;
  3. MUST have strong passion in human resource management and general affair;
  4. MUST have knowledge of Indonesia employment-related laws and regulations;
  5. Strong leadership and communication skills, analytical, problem-solving skills;
  6. Sound knowledge of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and Risk Management would be a plus point;
  7. Willing to work in Ngoro Industrial Park Factory (MOJOKERTO).

8. SALES EXECUTIVES (2 – Positions, Jakarta or Surabaya)
Persyaratan dan Kualifikasi
  1. Max. 35 years old; 
  2. At least 2 years working experiences in sales and marketing executive (ex : detailer);
  3. Experience in the plastic industry or Pharmaceutical Industry would be a plus point;
  4. Strong interpersonal and communication skills;
  5. Excellence at building and maintaining relationships with customers;
  6. Enthusiasm and understanding of our products and services;
  7. Willing to travel and work in Jakarta or Surabaya.

Persyaratan dan Kualifikasi
  1. MALE preferred. Max. 26 years old with a passion to work in a manufacturing environment and strong desire to learn production process of Rigid PVC Film;
  2. Min. Diploma from Engineering Majors;data management trainee image title 5zpyh
  3. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply;
  4. Must have good interpersonal skills and be able to work in a team environment;
  5. Must demonstrate ability to take on responsibility, lead people, reliable, goal-oriented, and motivating to others. Previous leadership experience is preferred;
  6. Sound knowledge of Polymer/PVC would be a plus point;
  7. Willing to work in shifts;
  8. Willing to work in Ngoro Industrial Park Factory (MOJOKERTO).

Persyaratan dan Kualifikasi
  1. Max. 26 years old.
  2. FEMALE preferred. Must have min. Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting  from reputable university with min. GPA 3.0;
  3. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply, but preferably having at least 1 (one) year working experience in the related field;
  4. MUST have knowledge of Accounting software and ERP;
  5. Detail oriented with excellent interpersonal, organizational, and analytical skills;
  6. Ability to effectively communicate with all levels of internal staff as well as external parties and executive management;
  7. Computer literacy is a MUST;
  8. Willing to work in SURABAYA Head Office;
  9. Those who have domicile in Surabaya or Sidoarjo area would be preferred.

Cara Pendaftaran:
Apabila anda berminat menjadi kandidat dan memenuhi persyaratan tersebut segera kirimkan CV dan berkas surat lamaran anda selambat-lambatnya tanggal 2 Desember 2016 ke:
HR Department:
Dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
- Foto terbaru
- Besar gaji saat ini dan yang diharapkan
- Alasan meninggalkan pekerjaan yang sekarang atau sebelumnya
- Bersedia untuk segera memulai pekerjaan
- Sebutkan posisi yang ingin dilamar pada subjek email
- Harap JANGAN mengirim file lamaran anda dalam bentuk "RAR" "ZIP"
- Ukuran file lamaran maksimum 512 KB

Kami berharap anda bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan seperti yang anda harapkan sesuai dengan minat dan keahlian anda, demikianlah kabar Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT. Rigid Maju Bersama di bulan November 2016 ini yang telah berhasil kami himpun dari berbagai sumber resmi dan kami berharap anda sebagai pencari kerja segera mendapat pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan keahlian dan minat anda.

Harap diperhatikan!
  1. Mohon untuk diperhatikan dengan seksama batas waktu pendaftaran atau penyerahan berkas lamaran kerja agar anda tidak terlambat dalam proses rekrutmen lowongan kerja.
  2. Bagi pencari kerja mohon agar berhati-hati terhadap tindak penipuan dari oknum atau orang yang mengatasnamakan blog dan meminta sejumlah uang kepada pencari kerja karena semua informasi lowongan kerja yang ada di blog ini bersifat gratis tanpa ada pungutan biaya sepeserpun, bila anda mengalami yang demikian segera laporkan ke pihak yang berwajib.

Selanjutnya kami juga mengajak partisipasi anda dalam menyebarluaskan informasi ini dengan cara men-share informasi lowongan kerja ini di sosial media kesayangan anda di bawah ini agar info dari lowongan kerja ini dapat tersampaikan kepada pencari kerja lain yang sedang membutuhkan terutama keluarga, kerabat, teman-teman dan orang-orang yang anda sayangi, terima kasih dan tetap semangat.

Sebagai pembaca yang baik berkomentarlah dengan memperhatikan beberapa hal:
1. Berkomentar sesuai judul pada postingan
2. Komentar tidak mengandung unsur SARA, Pornografi, dan Promosi
3. Link hidup akan otomatis terhapus dari kolom komentar
4. Untuk pertanyaan, kritik dan saran lebih lanjut dapat anda sampaikan melalui halaman Kontak yang telah kami sediakan.